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Control services


Crawling insects

There are many methods that can be used to eliminate the problem of cockroaches, the most important of which are:

Pesticide spraying process: -


Although the process of spraying pesticides gives quick results in the elimination of cockroaches, but the effect is weak in the long term and should not wash the treated areas spray as much as possible because these pesticides have a residual effect.


Grafts or what is known as gel: -

These baits come in the form of gel and are the most known ways to get rid of cockroaches and although they are slow in effect, they are very effective in controlling and reducing cockroaches in the long term and usually put these baits in hidden areas away from the reach of humans and pets and become these baits Less effective if other food sources are available for cockroaches.
There are several methods that can be used to eliminate the problem of cockroaches, the most important of which are


Flying insects


Flies of winged insects that live in all over the world, which includes more than 120 thousand different species live in each type of natural environments in the world, and is one of the fastest insects in flight, he can flutter his wings at a rate of about a thousand times per second in some Species, and domestic fly can fly at speeds of seven kilometres per hour or more. It can range in size from drifting flies that live around marshlands and are only one and a half millimetres long, to the South American Midas fly, which is 7.5 centimetres long. The general definition of flies differs from that among biologists. In fact, all species of a true flies have only two wings.Ways to get rid of flies modern methods: -Disinfection of breeding sites: It may be very useful to find where flies lay their eggs so that their black larvae grow and mature. . In general, all parts of the house must be kept clean to avoid becoming flies.


Mosquitoes are insects that feed on human blood. They are the most common blood-sucking insects, causing many diseases, such as malaria. Mosquitoes also cause discomfort. The female mosquito is characterized by a mouth with prominent parts to help her puncture the skin and suck blood. She is the only one who lives on human blood because she needs it in the production of eggs, while the male lives on the nectar of flowers and juicer plants.Ways to get rid of mosquitoes: -Spray insecticides to get rid of mosquitoes in homes and other buildings. Pesticides can also be sprayed in fields, parks, forests and gardens if necessary.Using mosquito nets, an old traditional method, but very effective and safe.


Rodents and reptiles


t is one of the most dangerous types of reptiles. Its danger lies in attacking humans despite its great usefulness, because snakes eat to eliminate mice, reptiles and frogs that they are considered undesirable organisms.
The company considered that the ways to combat these reptiles may rid the citizen of the risk of attacking him inside homes and farms as well as in recreational areas.

Where are the snakes?They are usually found in places where grasses and long grasses abound, because we are found a large number of insects and rodents in those places, we also find in places where is found birds such as chickens and pigeons, which is one of the most important things that attract snakes as food for them, also found in abandoned areas Where the snake can hide inside abandoned houses or buildings as houses and nests for them to lay eggs and reproduce.There are several ways you can get combat of snakes, including:First, combating insects and rodents that live inside and outside the houses, which in turn works to get snakes to their places.Second: Remove all the grass and trees that grow around houses and places of citizens' presence and fill all pits and cracks taken by snakes as a hideout.Third: the use of chemicals and spraying houses and places where they are located, which are several ways in which chemicals are used as a repellent for snakes and also limit the non-proliferation or presence again.


Ants and bugs

Ants Control:-

Inside buildings, household ants feed on sugar, syrup, honey, fruit juice, fats, and meat. Long trails of thousands of ants may lead from nests to food sources, causing considerable concern among building occupants.

Outdoors ants are attracted to honeydew that soft scales, mealybugs, and aphids produce. This liquid excrement contains sugars and other nutrients. Frequently outbreaks of scales and aphids occur when ants tend them for honeydew, because the ants protect scales and aphids from their natural enemies.

There are many methods that can be used to eliminate the problem of ants, namely:
The way to fight ants:-
Pesticide spraying process: -

Spraying pesticides gives quick results in the elimination of ants, and should not wash the treated areas spray as much as possible because these pesticides have a residual effect.

Definition of bed bugs:-

Bed bugs are small non-winged insect and length (4 - 7 mm) and color tends to dark brown and oval-shaped, sucking blood during the night and cause severe itching, sensitivity and fatigue due to lack of sleep

They feed on blood, especially during human sleep day or night in dark rooms, and the female lays about (200) eggs throughout her life. The insect needs 2-3 months to complete its life cycle, the female lays a large number of eggs is white in color - the eggs remain vital for an estimated period of 3 months hatch eggs and emerge nymphs resembling the entire insect, but smaller. - Nymphs in the growth of five stages. - You can live 12-18 days without food, - enough to have one female at home to be the focus of a new infection.

How to get bed bugs:-
- Laundry shops play a big role in transporting bed bugs:-

- Buying or renting second-hand mattresses and furniture is another way that bedbugs move to places not per-infested.

- If bedbugs appear in place, they usually spread from one room to another through the building, and unlike cockroaches that feed and live on filth, the level of cleanliness has little or no income in most cases of bed bug outbreaks



Birds can be beautiful and fascinating creatures, or they can stir your madness by ruining your garden and damaging your home by leaving manure and permanent annoyance. Some people may have to kill birds, but there are other easier and more effective ways to get rid of most bird problems. Birds may not completely disappear from your ownership, but you may be able to keep pesky birds and their behavior.

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